Yorkshire Terrier
Langley Park, Durham
,109 miles awayUpdate ❤️ Red collar sold
Looking for loving homes
We are happy to introduce our first beautiful litter of Yorkshire Terrier puppies. Both parents are gentle, raised in a warm family environment.
Our Gorgeous Girl give birth to 5 healthy Girls 🩷 On Christmas Eve
personalities are starting to come through .. Very sweet, playful, mischievous and obedient puppy
Daddy is also our family pet.. both love playing fetch ,walking and running in the woods .also love cuddles on our laps .
Love going camping, swimming visiting friends ..
Both no health issues.. personalities are superb.
This is their first litter ..
Mammy has just turned 3 & Daddy is 16 months ..
Puppies come with vaccinations, flea and worm treatment, microchipped. Deposit is 300 pounds and is non-refundable! We invite you to view and video call.
Mam & Dad can be seen and stroked (is a must ) 😉
Yorkshire Terriers are known for being low maintenance and easy to care for, making them a great choice for both first time dog owners and experienced families. They are affectionate, loyal, and adapt well to a variety of home environments, bringing with them lots of love and joy.
Our puppies are carefully raised, surrounded by love, and are used to the sounds and interactions of home. We are looking for responsible, loving homes where our puppies will be cherished as family members. Ideal families are those who are committed to giving them the attention, care, and playtime they deserve.
Your puppy will come with:
• Veterinary health checks
• First vaccinations • Microchipped
• Flea and worming treatment
• Starter kit with their favorite toy and a small bag of food to help with the transition
If you are ready to open your heart and home, please contact us. Serious and committed buyers only, please – we want our puppy to find a truly loving and committed forever home.
Jan JMember Since January 2025Domestic Breeder