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How your pet is affected by seasonal temperature changes?

The change in weather in the fall can have several effects on your pet's comfort, temperament, and overall health. Knowing how these changes affect your pet will help you get ready for the season and give them the care they need.

Temperature changes

Fall frequently delivers unpredictable weather with sometimes pleasant days and mostly cool nights. Pets could find it hard to adapt to these sudden changes, particularly if they spend a lot of time outside. Make sure your pet has adequate protection from the cold, and gradually reduce the amount of time they spend outside by the weather. Keep a tight eye on them, especially if they're elderly and ensure they don't become too cold.


Fall is also a time when many pets, particularly dogs and cats, shed seasonally to grow longer, thicker coats for the winter. This can result in overabundance of fur throughout the house and, in certain situations, mating in breeds with long hair. Regular brushing will help to avoid matting and remove loose fur from your pet, and will also help minimize the quantity of fur your pet consumes, which lessens the possibility of hairballs in cats.


Just like humans, pets can suffer from seasonal allergies due to pollen, mildew, and other allergens present in the fall. Itchy skin, watery eyes, sneezing, and ear infections are typical symptoms. To support your pet, maintain a clean living space for your them and remove allergens from their paws and fur after outdoor play. If your pet's symptoms get worse, call your veterinarian as allergy medication might be required.

Your pet can remain healthy, content, and comfortable during the fall season if you are aware of these possible issues and take preventative action.

Change in energy and activity

Your pet may feel more energized in cooler weather, especially after the summer heat-related slumber. You may observe that your cat is playing more actively or that your dog is more thrilled when they go for walks.

September 2024
Edition #4
Cat rubbing against a dog

Maximize this energy by increasing cerebral stimulation and outdoor playtime to keep them occupied and active, go on longer walks, give them new toys, or play interactive games.

Seasonal dangers

Fall décor such as corn, pumpkins, and some plants can be harmful if consumed. Similarly, pets are extremely poisoned by antifreeze, which is used more frequently in the cooler months. Make your house pet-proof by putting dangerous objects out of reach. Trash and fallen leaves should be cleaned up since they may contain mould or vermin that could hurt your pet.

Routine changes

Your pet may experience stress or anxiety as a result of changes in the home environment and routine brought on by the start of school and the impending holidays. Since pets are creatures of habit, abrupt changes may cause behavioural problems. Make an effort to keep up a regular schedule for your pet, which should include playtime, feeding, and exercise. If your pet appears nervous, provide them with more comfort or think about using calming products like pheromone diffusers that can be suggested by your veterinarian.

Weight changes

As the days grow shorter and the weather cools down, certain pets, especially dogs, may become less active, which could result in weight gain. To prepare for winter, when they naturally store more fat, pets may also be more hungry. Keep an eye on your pet's food consumption and modify their diet as needed to help them maintain a healthy weight during the less active months; keep them busy with frequent walks and indoor games.