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Did you know that the entire tongue of a cat is covered with hundreds of hook-like papillae?

Cats have microscopic projections on their tongues called papillae that resemble hooks with which they can groom themselves and capture prey with the aid of these spines. They are composed of keratin, the same protein found in human nails.

A cat's tongue papillae does function similarly to a comb. They work wonders to keep a cat's coat lustrous and clean by dispersing natural oils, detangling fur, and eliminating debris. The rough texture of a cat’s tongue is not only great for grooming but also for scraping flesh off bones in the wild, where cats must maximize their intake of nutrients from prey, this is helpful.

Cats groom themselves with their tongues to control body temperature. Their saliva's wetness acts as a natural air conditioner, keeping them cool.

Did you know that your cat has marked you?

By nature, cats are territorial creatures and claim you as part of their 'territory' when they brush against you and leave their fragrance behind. They mark you so that their surroundings smell comfortable and familiar, which gives them a sense of security.

Scent is a tool cats use to communicate with people and other animals therefore they are letting other animals know that you are a member of their social group, or 'clan,' by leaving their scent on you. This may deter animals from coming near you or encroaching on your territory.

For cats, scent marking can be a soothing pastime. It gives them a greater sense of control over their surroundings and creates a familiar fragrance landscape when their scent marks you, which eases their nervousness and puts them at ease.

Did you know that petting a dog can lower both your and the dog's blood pressure?

People's blood pressure can be lowered by petting a dog which reduces tension and anxiety. The hormone oxytocin, which encourages relaxation and a sense of well-being, is released during petting, which explains why.

September 2024
Edition #4
Short coated dog between wooden boards

Cortisol, a hormone linked to stress, falls at the same period. Heart rate and blood pressure are lowered by the relaxing effect of this combo.

When dogs are petted by their owners or other known humans, they gain similar advantages. They can release oxytocin, feel less stressed, and have their blood pressure lowered by being petted. Dogs can sense their owners' emotional states through their sense of smell, so when people are at ease, it can positively impact the dog's body.

Why do dogs constantly have wet noses?

Dogs have wet noses for a variety of reasons, and these causes are crucial to their health and senses.

They are better at detecting scents when their noses are wet. Scent particles are trapped by the wetness on their nose, which facilitates their ability to recognize and understand scents. Because of their keen sense of smell, dogs benefit from the wetness's ability to absorb and assimilate fragrance molecules. Dog lick their noses a lot to maintain moisture in the and it also helps to clear their nose of any dirt or particles they might have inhaled, in addition to aiding with scent identification.

Also, dogs don't sweat as people do, hence their paws and noses control their body temperature, particularly on hot days, the moisture on their noses helps regulate their body temperature by evaporating and cooling them down.