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Every July, the UK recognize National Lost Pet Prevention Month to bring attention to how important it is to prevent pets from going missing. To keep animals safe and make sure they can be promptly reunited if they go missing, pet owners should take the time to understand and put these suggestions into action.


Get your pet microchipped, and make sure the contact details are current. Veterinarians and animal shelters can scan a microchip that offers a permanent form of identity.

Have an ID tag on your pet's collar that has your current contact information on it, and think about providing a backup phone number.

Additionally, get a GPS tracker for your pet's collar so you can find them easily if they disappear.

Secure Environment

Physical barriers, appropriate training, and constant supervision are all necessary to secure your environment and keep your pet from going lost.

Check your yard's fence for weak points, flaws, and gaps regularly. Ensure your pet or intruders cannot readily open the gate by latching it securely. A fence should be tall enough to keep your pet from jumping over it and long enough to reach below the surface to keep them from digging under.

Windows feature strong screens, and doors close securely to keep your pet from escaping. For cats, think about creating an enclosed outdoor place, such as a 'catio' (cat patio), where they can enjoy the outdoors without worrying about escaping.

Training, Routine and Supervision

Especially in unfenced regions, teach your pet to walk easily on a leash and to use it every time they go outside. Check that the collar or harness is securely fastened and difficult to run off. Regularly check for wear and tear.

Even in a gated yard, keep an eye on your pet when they're outdoors. Pets have a very inventive sense of how to get away.

Establish a dedicated play area and restrict your pet's freedom of movement with safe fencing or barriers.

To help you keep your pet under control and stop them from running off, teach them simple instructions like 'come,' 'stay,' and 'sit.'

Take care of various behavioural problems, such as aggression or nervousness, that could lead your pet to run off or wander.

July 2024
Edition #2
White dog walking on the concrete dog

Awareness and Preparedness

Capture clear, up-to-date pictures of your pet from various perspectives. If your pet disappears, these will be essential for making fliers and advertising on the internet.

Note down a thorough description of your pet, mentioning its colour, breed, and any other standout characteristics.

Steps to take if your pet gets lost

As soon as you become aware that your pet has gone missing, begin your search for them.

Call their name or use familiar commands and look in places where your pet has been before or where they would look for shelter.

Notify your neighbours; ask that they stay alert and that they check their sheds, garages, and yards. Give them a picture of you and your contact details.

Share posts on social media and in neighbourhood groups about your misplaced pet. Provide contact details and pictures.

Register your missing animal on pet-lost and pet-found websites.

Create and hand out flyers featuring a clear picture of your pet, a caption, and your contact information. Place them in local establishments and across your community.

Notify the veterinary clinics, animal shelters, and rescue groups in your area. Give them a picture and a description of your pet.


Being alert and ready is essential for both preventing your pet from going missing and guaranteeing a speedy reunion if they do. Recognize your pet's behaviour, make your surroundings secure, identify them properly, update your pet's pictures and descriptions, and have an emergency plan in place. You can be even more prepared by using technology such as GPS trackers, keeping an eye out for your neighbours, and checking in regularly. You may greatly lower the chance of your pet getting lost and raise the possibility of a speedy and safe return if it does by adopting these preventative measures.