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June is a great month to focus on your pet's health, especially because it's National Microchipping Month in the UK and the weather is becoming nicer. The following tips will assist you in June in taking good care of your pet's health.

1 - Hydration - make sure your pet has access to clean, fresh water at all times, particularly as the weather becomes warmer. When you take your pet on walks or travels, use portable water dishes and bottles.

2 - Paw care - keep your pet away from hot pavement and sandy areas as these can cause paw burns. If the surface is too hot for you to handle, it's also too hot for your pet. To protect their paws, think about using booties or paw wax.

3 - Prevent heatstroke by giving your pet access to a cool, shaded space and make sure your pet has access to a cool indoor space. Recognize the symptoms of heatstroke, which include collapse, drooling, vomiting, and heavy panting. Move your pet to a cool spot and call your veterinarian right away if you think they may be suffering from heatstroke.

4 - Outdoor safety - make sure to constantly watch on your pet while they swim and give them a quick rinse to get rid of any salt or chlorine. Your pet should never be left in a parked automobile. Temperatures can rise quickly and become deadly even with damaged windows.

5 - Thunderstorm anxiety - when thunderstorms are approaching, provide your pet with a calm and secure area. Apply calming products as needed. Toys, rewards, and background noise are examples of distraction tactics that might assist divert your pet during stressful situations.

June 2024
Edition #1

6 - Veterinary appointment - if you haven't had a veterinary check-up yet this year, make an appointment. By doing this, possible health problems may be identified early.

7 - Vaccinations - make sure your pet has received the most recent shots, particularly if you intend to travel or if your pet will be around other animals.

8 - Microchipping - check that the microchip information is up to date. If they are not yet, get them microchipped so you can identify them forever and have a better chance of finding them if they go missing.

9 - Control of Fleas, Ticks, and Parasites - Check your pet frequently for parasites such as fleas and ticks, especially after they have been outside. For advice on the best treatments, speak with your veterinarian.

10 - Exercise and weight control - ensure your pet gets frequent exercise, but steer clear of the hottest times of the day. The best walks are in the early morning or late evening. To help your pet maintain a healthy weight, keep an eye on their weight and make any necessary dietary and exercise adjustments.