Gorgeous shorthaired tan/ cream Purebred Chihuahua little girl. She is 9 weeks old, was first born and the largest, of a litter of 3 healthy pups. Mummy is our family pet Foxy who is 2 years of age. This will be her first and only litter. She is a shorthaired deer head Chihuahua. Daddy is Bobby who is also 2 , has fathered two litters. He is a long haired deer head Chihuahua. Both parents have fantastic calm, gentle temperaments. Pup is very forward, She has beautiful markings and her character is shining through. She is very confident, comes when whistled. Using the puppy pads,playing with her siblings. Has been Frontline Flea Sprayed at four weeks and again at eight weeks. Pup is ready now to find her forever home. She has been microchipped , feel free to contact anytime.