READY NOW!!! ONLY ONE GIRL LEFT!!!Our princess gave birth ( D.O.B. 11.09.2024) to 6 purebred kittens, 3 boys and 3 girl. Kittens pure british blue, champion blood. Kittens twice helt cheked, so absolutely healthy. Both parents are excellent standard of the breed Mom is our domestic cat (not outdoor) with a wonderful temperament, a kind and well-mannered girl, always in love and care.She is not registered, but her parents are active registered.Fully vaccinated . PKD negative/PRA negative.Fully vaccinated.Outstanding pedigreeHealth tested regularly Dad (Stud boy) is a great gentleman, affectionate and well-mannered. GCCF & TICA registered active . FIV/FELV Snap tested negative .PKD negative/PRA negative.Fully vaccinated.Outstanding pedigree. Kittens will be ready from 8 weeks ( 08.11.2024) Kittens are active, very playful,. Kittens eat only the best quality food, (Royal Canin ,Aplaws) wet and dry. Tray trained. Kittens love the cat tree. Wormed and flea treated. Scratch post trained. Kittens are home reared around other cat and with children and day to day house life and noises Our kittens and mother live with us in the house, not outside in a cage. Every day they receive a lot of love and care. Lilac boy -sold Blue girl( light)- sold Blue boy- sold Blue boy sold Blue girl-available On the day you pick up the kittens you will receive: food pack starter Blanket Toys Bowl Flea treatment for one time. We have a lot of very positive feedback from families who have purchased kittens. To make a reservation you need to pay a £150 deposit, not refundable. We allow viewings and video calls are welcome.